... Jesus christ. In otherwords, 2022 is when backed down from trying to be pro/fulltime, and started rethinking how I want to do art going forward. I did focus a lot harder on drawing comics, scenes, and backgrounds. But I also learned my limits, boundries, and the hard truth the way I was treating my art & online life wasn't healthy. I guess that's the bigger takeaway than general art improvement.

Comic Shorts

The School Mystery (2022)

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Calmest Pre-Blizzard Shopping Trip in New England (2022)

Source: This happens every time snow's even slightly hinted at

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A "Cereal" Debate (2022)

Fun fact when I presented this in class my comics professor said Risa was very punchable lol.

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Windows Vista 15th (2022)

Sequel to a comic about Windows XP I made the previous year. Seems people are warming up to it... well, after years of making fun of it's instability...

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#MORBIUS SWEEP!!! (2022)

this is certainly a comic about the movie ever made

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Acid (2022)

An android investigates an abandoned village and pieces together what happened there...

Misc. Works


(2022) Character Art Series

A character design series & mini world building project surrounding Sci-fi universe with chess-themed robots.

The Creative Misadventures of Jpeg

(2022) mini-comic

Meet Jpeg, your local up-and-coming music producer! What genre do they specialize in? They’re still figuring that out... alongside their first track for that matter.

Also on Itch.io!

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The Frog Squad

(2022) Storyboards

An action sequence following two frog agents working to catch a nefarious toad.

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Design Showcase


A collection of selected works done for my graphic design class, Fall 2022

Other Links

  • On Art and the Web (A Manifesto) - Being an online artist in the 2020's is hell, here's my thoughts on how personal artsites could change that!
  • Art Summary 2022 - Self explanatory; reflecting on my fav. pics of the year and how I want to approach art and the web going forward

2021 Art Home 2023