The Labs
Web Collections
Pages that are no longer being worked on, and will likely get sunset in the next layout update
Possible pages?
Things I'm considering adding. Keep in mind this doesn't mean these pages are coming + these are more 'for fun' addons than solid plans. Check out the Website To-do's for that.
- Web Shrines? (currently thinking about, Bemani, Reploids, LPS, Youtube Poop. Not all at once ofc, but as I feel like it)
- Screenshots gallery (for dumping game screenshots, as well as serving as 'micro-shrines' for some of the games on there. Likely the last page before the layout update)
- OCs? (It'd be limited to my most used & favorite ocs though. Already use toyhouse & it'd get redundant to mirror all my unused characters)
- Secret pages? (Thoughts on those? That's a secret huehue...)