Website To-Do's
!NOTE - I don't plan on doing these all at once (some of the larger changes may need to wait a while) but take this as a public list of things I'm looking to do.
Site Tweaks
- Redo outbound links page?
- Make consistent color themes & CSS files. Mostly for cross-platform use, but also useful for onsite pages that share themes (needed: Normal, Dark, & possibly light)
- Figure out where to link the labs page (doesn't fit under the current categories, maybe add a 'fun' section? but also I feel I'd need more to warrent having a whole new section in the navbar)
- Migrating posts from offsite to here. There's probably more that will be brought over but the ones getting priority are:
- Alternative art summaries (2017 toy custom summary, 2019 paintings summary)
- Vocal writer thread + some updates (currently on twitter). Not the usual stuff that goes on here but considering it's obscure software I'd rather not have it trapped on the muskrat site. Needs updates since I finally got the program to work in emulation
- Backing up older projects. Notably:
- Mini comics - A page for my mini-zines
- 2019 Nightmares series - my highschool AP concentration, and first illustration series
- The Garden - My first attempt at a webcomic.. that never made it past 16 pages. Younger me decided to archive it on toyhouse for some reason (here)
Requires new layout
- Clean-up CSS / reduce inline CSS to only special elements (ie: image sizing, things that don't need to show up on every page). This was a carry-over habit from toyhouse, where regular users don't have access to external stylesheets for profile html. Not necessary here & tbh just ends with a lot of bloat
- Reduce Bootstrap framework to just the grid system. Most of the other elements are bloat that needs to be heavily styled to look the way I want it tbh.
- Redoing the navbar might be tricky, as it took a long time just to get it working this way as is with bootstrap's JS...
- On that note, try hosting more libraries (bootstrap grid, lightboxes) onsite