Everlog, Start!

Heyo! So, this is my first post over here. And I'm glad I managed to find a way to have a blog/textpost-section on site.

Especially within the past few months, I've been trying to establish this website as a platform. Social media and art sites have been getting on my nerves lately (except for Newgrounds. knock on wood). So i figured hey, why not make my own website my own place?

Reploid Io designing a banger web page

I prefer neocities over site builders. I just find them limiting, and I really don't like the idea of having my portfolio & work archive on "square/carrd/wix site no. 573". It might be functional, but I like art sites that I can poke around, revisit, or feel more hand-crafted.

Though one thing I knew I was gonna miss is blog & textpost functionality. I was close to making a wordpress site because of that but damn, the WP editor is a nightmare to figure out. I guess tumblr fits that bill, but again I'm tired of social media (even if tumblr isn't making me as mad as other sites)

I couldn't wrap my head how I could add a blog without needing to manually update a ton of pages. I know single-page blogs are common around neocities, but the problem is I want to be able to sort through & link specific pages (Art thoughts, guides and all) and I'm still very new to JS to build something on my own...

In comes Zonelets!

What is Zonelets? A TL:DR, it's a microblogging engine with the idea of keeping things in simple HTML. Exactly what I need!

The JS is the main thing I wanted, being able to list posts & change navs/headers (if I need to) w/o individually editing each page is really neato. And as a bonus the JS is well labeled for an absolute noob like me, so Ig i did pick up some JS skills along the way (... and realised I might need to do a main-site layout change next year for it)

Btw, I found out about Zonelets through Cinnamuff's site! They recently ported their blog section over to it.

While I'm here, I am thinking about site goals for next year. Right now I've been thinking about switching the lightbox JS I use on my art pages. I've been using Baugette Box, Which I like and still recommend because it's easy to use and lightweight, but especially with site migrations and now having a blog to talk about pics with I'm looking for something with a more robust description section.

I am gonna hold off on any more major layout changes & new sections until 2023 though. I've done a lot this year! I'mma focus on tidying up existing pages and backing up works instead.