Heyo, I'm Natasha (aka. Nat). I'm an illustrator and comic artist who likes drawing pointy things and robots.

And welcome to my Website!
My main art-hub and online studio!

Hope you enjoy your stay!

it me

Featured Art

Featured Page

my pet shop.pdf thumb

My Pet Shop.PDF

(2024) Zine

This Zine was made in tribute to my interest in LPS. Featuring some pets from my childhood, ones from my LPStube days, and recent (as of making) additions.

Available on Itch.io!

Site info

  • Site requires Javascript for Navigation
  • Web-14: For the main parts of the website it's fairly PG, but some pages have mild gore/violence.
    Censor Pandas from Mabsland
  • Site Tested on Firefox, compatible with Chrome/Safari/mobile
  • Mobile Friendly, designed with desktop viewing in mind

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